SEAT adds mental health SOS to its UK cars

SEAT's collaboration with CALM charity might become a standard feature.

Many of us take a drive to clear our heads or to think through a worry. Most of us actually. In fact, according to a survey carried out by SEAT UK, 90 per cent of people say that "they go for a drive to stay positive or to support their mental health." 59 per cent say that they regularly "leave the house" to improve their mental state.

SOS QR code

With that in mind, and being as this year has been a heck of a strain on people's mental health, SEAT has decided to collaborate with UK-based charity CALM - the Campaign Against Living Miserably. SEAT will print an SOS QR code onto the inside of the driver's side sun visor in all its new cars. Scanning the code with your phone takes users to a specially-designed page on CALM's website, with hints and tips to preserve your mental health, and a helpline number if the user needs further support. If you feel that you don't want this on your car, that's OK too - it's a sticker that can be easily removed.

Quickly access support

Richard Harrison. Managing Director of SEAT UK, said: "With our longstanding mental health partner, CALM, we wanted to play a small part in helping people to quickly access support when they need it. The new 'SOS' feature should make it that little bit easier to have someone to talk to, especially because so many people see the car as a place of refuge. It is definitely a case of 'being silent isn't being strong', so we encourage people to speak to their friends and family or seek professional advice."

60 per cent of respondents said that being able to drive their cars during the pandemic (within government guidelines) had positively impacted their mental health. More women (64 per cent) than men (54 per cent) have found solace in driving their cars during the pandemic

The car is a positive influence

While 90 per cent of respondents said they have driven their car to clear their head at some point during 2020, 46 per cent say they do so on a weekly basis. Three quarters (76 per cent) of younger drivers (18-24) felt their car had been a positive influence on their mental health during the pandemic, the most of any age group, while this was the case for just half of over 55s.

Simon Gunning, CEO at CALM, commented: "From CALM's helpline number to expert advice on how to have a conversation with someone you're worried about, CALM and SEAT have teamed up to put people in the driving seat when it comes to helping themselves and others. Life is full of twists and turns. Sometimes we stall. And sometimes we need time to put the brakes on and take some time for ourselves. But no matter what you're going through CALM's helpline and webchat is here to provide free, anonymous and confidential support, 365 days a year, 5pm until midnight."

Published on: December 16, 2020