Research finds cars ‘absolutely necessary’ in Ireland

The vast majority of Irish people are still heavily dependent on private car transport to get around.

Irish people, in the vast majority, feel that their car is 'absolutely necessary' in their lives. That's according to a new survey by Liberty Insurance.

Only 2 per cent say a car is not necessary

In spite of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and increases in fuel costs, 77 per cent of people who responded to the survey said that they couldn't do without their car. Just two per cent feel that a car is not necessary at all.

The research shows that 50 per cent of people use their car daily, while 29 per cent make multiple journeys daily. The private car is the most popular form of transport, being used for 82 per cent of all journeys according to the survey. Public transport is used by 22 per cent of the survey respondents, although this does rise to 34 per cent for those living in the Dublin metropolitan area.

Desire to drive a more sustainable vehicle

Previous Liberty research in February 2023 found that the desire to drive a more sustainable vehicle was the most common reason why motorists were thinking of changing cars (24 per cent), but that fears over the cost of electric or hybrid cars (70 per cent) and 'range anxiety' (49 per cent) were putting them off, although the survey also showed that one in eight Irish drivers only use their cars on either weekends only or weekdays only, which suggests that those people are making the sort of regular short journeys to which a compact, affordable EV is ideally suited.

Research also showed that 15 per cent - one in seven - were putting off maintenance and servicing to try and stretch their beleaguered family budget, but as Liberty points out, that's a false economy, as regular servicing can abate much more expensive problems further down the line.

Still rely on our cars

For all our car dependence, previous Liberty Insurance research had shown that some 43 per cent of people had been reducing their car usage, and the figures do show that switching to public transport - or just walking - for as many journeys as possible can reduce your overall transport costs.

José Luis García Camiñas, Product Leader for Liberty Seguros in Europe, said: "The findings of this research are of significance for us all and show how much Irish motorists still rely on their cars to get around despite increases in fuel costs and the desire to travel more environmentally sustainably. When it comes to managing motoring costs, ensuring that your car is roadworthy, and safe for you and other motorists is not only of the utmost importance, but keeping your car in good condition also helps to prevent larger costs down the road.

"Irish people have also shown that where public transport options are viable, they like to use them, and these can be a valuable way to save on travel costs, save on wear-and-tear and cut down on travel time. Finally, we know that insurance is an important cost for many motorists. At Liberty, we want to make things better and be open. To help with this, we offer modular products across different markets, so customers only pay for what they need. If you have any questions about how you can tailor your insurance cover for your needs, you should talk to us, or to your broker, today."

Published on: October 12, 2023