Toyota opens ‘Inclusive Mobility Park’ in Paris

Toyota's ‘Inclusive Mobility Park’ is part of the brand’s commitment to the Olympics and Special Olympics.

Toyota has opened its ‘Inclusive Mobility Park’ in Paris ahead of the opening of the 2024 Summer Olympics.

Where is the Inclusive Mobility Park?

The park is located near the Eiffel Tower. During the games, it will be open to Toyota invitees and guests, but on September 9th and 10th, it will be open to anyone who wants to take a look.

“We are very proud to open the Toyota Mobility Park in Paris, the host city of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024. As a worldwide mobility partner of the Games, we want to contribute to creating a more inclusive and sustainable society through mobility. The Toyota Inclusive Mobility Park is a part of showcase of our vision “happiness for all” & Mission “Mobility for all” and our solutions that aim to make mobility accessible and enjoyable for everyone. We hope that the visitors will learn more about inclusive mobility, have fun and get inspired by the Park,” said Yoshihiro Nakata, President and CEO of Toyota Motor Europe.

What’s the Park for?

The Park is designed to highlight Toyota’s commitment to the Olympic games' transport services and to providing new transport solutions that can work for anyone. Chief among the exhibits is the Accessible People Mover (APM), which is designed to be used within the Olympic Athletes Village by both competitors and spectators. It’s rather like a high-tech golf buggy and includes ramp access for wheelchair users.

There are also more personalised systems, such as C+Walk S, C+Walk T and Yosh-E. The last of those, Yosh-E, is like the front end of an electric bike, featuring handlebars and a powered wheel designed to be attached to the front of a wheelchair, turning it into an electric trike. Toyota says these last-mile mobility systems: “can assist people with different mobility needs in urban environments and are in use during Paris 2024.”

Anything else on show?

There is also a focus on hydrogen power, including a new hydrogen cartridge system that can be plugged and played in numerous transport solutions. Toyota will be showing off a hydrogen-cartridge-powered cargo bike at the Inclusive Mobility Park.

“We are delighted to welcome the Toyota Inclusive Mobility Park in Paris, a city that is committed to promoting green and inclusive mobility for all. The park is a great opportunity to discover and experience the innovative mobility solutions that Toyota and its partners have developed,” said Pierre Rabadan, Deputy Mayor of Paris, who was in charge of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Sport and the Seine.

“What you can see and try here at the Toyota Mobility Park are the real solutions that Toyota has brought to the athletes, their families, spectators and us - organisers at Paris 2024, to help us move in a sustainable and inclusive way. This is a demonstration of how when we work together, we can achieve anything we set our minds to,” said Tony Estanguet, President of Paris 2024.

Published on: July 24, 2024