Toyota aims to improve Olympic cycling safety

How’s Toyota going to do this? Stickers…

Toyota has come up with a dramatic* (*may not actually be dramatic) innovation to improve the safety of Olympic cyclists at the 2024 summer games in Paris.

Sounds dramatic! What’s the innovation?

Stickers. You see, Toyota noticed at the last Olympics in Tokyo that cycling teams - which use vehicles as chase and support cars for on-road races - used their own colours and markings for each car. Because every team was decorating the cars their own way, Toyota felt that there could be some confusion and potentially more chance of a car-bike collision, and so set about creating a properly uniform set of national team markings for each car.

What kind of cars are we talking about?

Because Toyota is the official vehicle supplier to the Olympics, it has included 80 Corolla Hybrid Touring Sports Estates for the various cycling events.

“As the official mobility partner of the Games, we will provide 80 Toyota Corolla TS hybrid vehicles ensuring the smooth operation of the cycling events. Each vehicle will have stickers on the side mirror covers to identify the country, as well as additional markings on the front and on the back. These features will enhance the visibility of the vehicles for the athletes when looking for their team car, as well as showcase their unique identity and spirit. We hope that our continuous improvement efforts will contribute to the success and safety of the athletes and the Games,” said Cédric Borremans, head of the Olympic and Paralympic division of Toyota Motor Europe.

So it really is just stickers, then?

Well, yes, but then again, it kind of underscores the commitment that Toyota is making to the Olympics - it’s not just dumping a bunch of cars in the athlete’s village and saying, ‘here you go lads.’ The Japanese giant is really putting in the hard yards of thought into every last little detail of how it can improve the sporting experience for competitors and spectators alike.

The cars are built in Toyota’s Burnaston plant in the UK, and it’s the Toyota Motor UK (TMUK) team that’s actually handling all of the liveries for the various team cars. “This job required precise skills and care to guarantee the application was perfect and clearly visible ensuring that the athletes can identify their support vehicles during the fast-paced event. Quality is at the heart of everything we do here at TMUK, and this is just one more shining example of our employees’ capabilities,” said Julie Meyssonnier, General Manager of Special Vehicle Operations at TMUK.

Published on: July 25, 2024