Year 2000 cars no longer Ireland's favourite

Cars from the year 2000, a boom year for new car sales, are no longer the most numerous on the country's roads.

Cars from the time of the Millennium Bug and the dot com boom are no longer the largest age-group on Ireland's roads according to  Despite the year 2000 being one of very high car sales the effects of time mean that vehicles from that year are starting to disappear.

Twelve years ago 225,269 new cars were registered and 42,450 imports later added to that number.  Even with a large number of cars now receiving end-of-life certificates and the effects of the scrappage scheme the 2000-registered vehicles are still the fourth most numerous age-group of vehicles on the country's roads.

Cars from the Celtic Tiger boom years are currently the most numerous on Ireland's roads.  Around 200,000 vehicles first registered in 2007 are currently 'live' on the country's roads; along with a similar number from 2005 and 2006.

The large number of 12-year-old cars still on the road is attributed not just to the number sold when new but the longevity of those vehicles.

Published on: March 26, 2012