Leo Varadkar publishes penalty points review

More points for speeding and using mobile phone but less for no NCT proposed.

Leo Varadkar this week (June 11) published a raft of proposed changes to the penalty points system - including a possible increase in points for speeding and driving while using a mobile phone.

A Department of Transport review, published by the Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, seeks to increase the number of points incurred by drivers for using handheld phones while driving, as well as speeding or failing to wear seat belts, from two penalty points to three.

It is not all bad news though as it is proposed that penalties be cut for other offences like driving without a valid NCT, or dangerous parking - from the current five points and a compulsory court appearance, down to three points.

The review as seen as the next step in harmonising the penalty points system with that of Northern Ireland, possibly leading to a regime that will recognise points accrued either side of the border.

The plans will now be sent forward to the all-party Oireachtas committee on Environment, Transport, Culture and the Gaeltacht, which will give its thoughts on the changes with new processes incorporated into a new Road Traffic Bill to be published later in the year.

Published on: June 15, 2012