Irish Road Safety Week kicks off

The RSA outlines a large programme of events to improve road safety awareness.

All this week the Road Safety Authority (RSA) will be hosting a number of events and activities to mark 'Irish Road Safety Week' that runs until 13 October. Now in its sixth year, Irish Road Safety Week sees activities taking place nationwide in a bid to raise awareness and improve education regarding road safety for all, including pedestrians and cyclists.

Some of the planned activities for the week include free tyre safety checks performed across a number of locations by members of The Irish Tyre Industry Association, details of which are available at If you are one of the many drivers guilty of rarely - or indeed never - checking your tyre pressures then this is something that is worth looking into.

The RSA will also be running the first in a series of 'Driving for Work' seminars with the help of the Health and Safety Authority and An Garda Siochana. These free half day seminars are designed to help business owners, managers and supervisors understand how effective management of work-related road risks can keep employees safe on the roads and benefit the bottom line. Should you wish to attend, visit

Road Safety aimed at children is the purpose of 'Beep Beep Day', which will take place on Friday 11 October in 1,473 pre-schools around Ireland. Each pre-school has been sent education packs by the RSA that will help children aged five and under to learn more about road safety. High visibility vests have also been sent out for every child taking part while information packs for parents that highlight child safety in cars will be distributed.

To find out what events are taking part in your local area, visit

Published on: October 8, 2013