Toyota can't claim to be the best built cars in the world

Advertising standards tells Toyota to drop the claim in Ireland.

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Toyota has been instructed by the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland (ASAI) to stop using its long-held slogan of 'The Best Built Cars in The World.' The phrase, once a global marketing tagline for the brand, had been retained in Ireland while other markets had moved on to new catchphrases, such as 'Moving Forward' or 'Today. Tomorrow. Toyota.'

Complaints against the phrase, which came under increasing scrutiny at the time of the 'unintended acceleration' scandal and recall, have been upheld by the ASAI though. The complaints apparently came both from individuals and one of Toyota's biggest competitors, Volkswagen.

Initially, the ASAI's chief executive had recommended not upholding the complaints, on the grounds that the claim had been substantiated as far as mass-market car sales were concerned, but the Complaints Committee overturned that recommendation. 

One complaint came from advertising agency Owens DDB, which operates on behalf of Volkswagen in Ireland, but that specific complaint was withdrawn in late 2015. The ASAI has refused Toyota permission to appeal the decision.

"We are absolutely bemused by this ruling from the ASAI and their refusal to allow an appeal. It would appear to us they are dancing on a pin head as regards the use of the English language and common sense, particularly given that the independent automotive industry expert commissioned by the ASAI expressed the viewpoint that the proposition had been substantiated in relation to the 'Best Built Mass Produced Cars in the World.'" said Steve Tormey, Chief Executive of Toyota Ireland.

"Toyota firmly believes that the validity of its brand line is stronger today than ever. Increasing substantiation provided over a number of years, accepted consistently by the ASAI, has been verified by industry surveys, consumer reports, academic viewpoints and by the independent industry expert commissioned by the ASAI.
"Since the ASAI expert concluded that Toyota produces the 'Best Built Mass Produced Cars in the World', and given that Toyota clearly operates within the mass market, (which in the context of the Irish market equates to 99.98 per cent of cars, with the 0.02 per cent in question being super cars, such as Ferrari or Maserati) we maintain that The Best Built Cars in the World has not only been substantiated, but is clearly understood by the Irish Consumers. The ASAI decision is all the more baffling given we have been using the proposition in the Irish market for 20 years. During that time, the ASAI has repeatedly accepted our substantiation for the brand - such substantiation having been provided on two separate occasions since 2010 alone - thus concluding that the 'Best Built Cars in the World' claim was not misleading to consumers.
"We will now move forward and continue to do what we do best, dedicating our time and energy to serving the best interests of the 390,000 Irish customers of Toyota who have, and continue to, put their faith in the best built cars in the world."

Published on: April 22, 2016