Drivers now spending 14 days a year in traffic

Survey by Easytrip shows those who commute to Dublin spend a fortnight every year stuck in traffic.

What's the news?

For all those who thought that Dublin traffic couldn't possibly be as bad now as it was in the early 2000s, think again - those of us commuting to and from the capital are spending 14 days every year stuck int traffic.

Sorry to be Dublin-centric about this but hey, if you're reading this in Cork, Galway, or Waterford then at least it should give you a bit of a laugh.

According to a survey by Easytrip, the mobility solutions specialist, 81 per cent of the drivers surveyed use their car to commute into Dublin city centre, and that the total time each year spent by those drivers in traffic equated to a full fortnight.

The survey was also looking at the proposed changes to the traffic flow through the city, with changes to the north and south Quays, and 73 per cent said that these changes would probably make their journeys worse. More than 50 per cent said that it would put them off driving into the city in the first place (which is, presumably, the point). 65 per cent said that it would affect their decisions to shop or socialise in the city centre, and 95 per cent said that they would not spend money on a high-cost item without having the car with them to bring it home.

Commenting on the survey, Colin Delaney, CEO of easytrip Ireland said: "We carried out this survey to find out what impact the proposed changes to the traffic flow on the quays would have and our survey has clearly revealed that these changes will affect drivers and have a significant impact on retailers also.

"Driving into the city centre is the quickest option for many commuters, in particular, as the current public transport network isn't suitable for their requirements (62 per cent of those surveyed). It's alarming to see that city commuting times total 14 days each year using a car, the mode of transport perceived to be the most efficient option by those surveyed. 14 days is too much and it would be absurd to impose longer travel times on stretched Dublin commuters at a time when the public transport infrastructure required to create an efficient, vibrant city centre, is not in place," concluded Colin.

Published on: June 20, 2017