Drivers who don't indicate annoy fellow motorists

Mobile solutions specialist finds 62 per cent of drivers dislike others failing to signal.

What's the news?

Easytrip, the company which aims to make journeys easier for its users via the means of automated toll- and fee-paying solutions, has carried out research into what annoys us as drivers - and the biggest bugbear is people who don't use their indicators (62 per cent).

In among the responses to the Easygtrip survey conducted on annoying driving habits, other grievances from respondents against fellow Irish motorists were: driving too slow in the fast lane (59 per cent); tailgating (56 per cent); using a mobile phone while driving (55 per cent); throwing rubbish out of the car window (43 per cent); changing lanes too frequently (42 per cent); not merging correctly from a slip road onto the motorway (40 per cent); and not driving up to toll plazas correctly (15 per cent).

But there's a male-female split in the survey respondents, as 67 per cent of female drivers get frustrated with people who drive too fast on the motorway (followed by 61 per cent disliking the litterbugs who lob trash out of their car on the move), while for men the biggest headache is motorists driving too slowly in the fast lane (55 per cent) and then middle-lane hoggers (54 per cent).

Anything else?

Colin Delany, the CEO of Easytrip Ireland, said of the results of the survey: "Correct use of the motorway is vital for everyone's safety. We've all heard of the saying that the 'indicator must have come as an optional extra' but it's clearly the number one frustration for many motorists. It's important that we alert other road users to our next move while driving, and that means checking your mirrors and using your indicators when changing lanes. It can be stressful during busy peak times, particularly on the M50, but being respectful of our fellow motorists is of benefit to all."

Published on: August 14, 2017