RSA calls for better road safety when abroad

"Don't leave road safety in the airport" is message from the Road Safety Authority.

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has put out a summer plea to Irish citizens travelling abroad - don't leave road safety in the airport. Recent Department of Foreign Affairs figures indicate that up to 240 Irish citizens died while abroad in 2009, an increase of 20 percent on 2008 figures with 12 Irish people killed in road crashes in Australia since 2007.

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) are predicting that up to 100,000 people will emigrate from Ireland in 2010/2011 and the message is that road safety should remain a priority, regardless of what country they are in.

The RSA is asking anyone who is planning to travel over the coming months to be aware of the risks associated with driving in an unfamiliar country and familiarise themselves with the law in other countries especially for seat belt wearing, alcohol and speed limits . 

For further information see

Published on: June 9, 2010