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VRT and tax implications for imported Kombi?
I am a teacher as well as part-time farmer. I am looking at changing my car and buying a Volkswagen Transporter Kombi to access outfarm, feedstuff etc. I am looking at sourcing in the UK, but not sure of VRT and then taxing the van. It would be used for farm as we have another family car. The van would be 2016 approx €25,000 euro. Can you advise to VRT rates and tax implications?
James McLoughlin (Sligo)
Jan 2019 Filed under: VRT
How much VRT on this VW Transporter?
How much would it cost to clear a 2014 Volkswagen Transporter Kombi with 180hp, 65000 miles and a DSG transmission?
Darren Reynolds (Ballymote)
Feb 2019 Filed under: VRT
Explain how VRT works on extras...
Can you explain how VRT is calculated on optional extras on an imported car? I understand there is a sliding scale depending on age of car. For example what is the additional VRT on a 2017 BMW 520 with €10,000 extras?
William Neale (Dublin)
Jan 2019 Filed under: VRT
How much VRT on an imported Maserati?
I'm looking to import a 2007 Maserati GranTurismo with 56,000 miles on the clock and paying £24,000 sterling; any idea how much VRT would be?
Dave, Dublin
Dave New (Dublin)
Nov 2018 Filed under: VRT
Do I need to pay VRT on a 2018 model?
I wish to import a UK car into Ireland. It's a 2018 model, but over six months old - do I have to pay VRT?
Oct 2018 Filed under: VRT
VRT on an imported LR Defender?
A friend is looking at importing a UK passenger Defender 2007/08; is there any way to get VRT cost before arrival?
Dermot Wilson (Blessington)
Oct 2018 Filed under: VRT
Why do we still have VRT in Ireland?
Why is VRT still on vehicles in Ireland when the EU told Ireland to scrap it due to unfair price competition within the EU?
Eamon Morrissey (Meath)
Sep 2012 Filed under: VRT
How much is the late fee for VRT payment?
Does the VRT late charge of 0.1% of the VRT due start from point of entry or after the 30 days have lapsed? As in, if you register in 40 days time from entry, do you get charged for 10 days or 40 days?
Rob Conti (Mullingar)
Oct 2018 Filed under: VRT
How much VRT on a 2015 VW Transporter?
How much VRT could I expect to pay for converting a 2015 Volkswagen Transporter to a crewcab?
Fergus Lordan (Kerry)
Aug 2018 Filed under: VRT
Tax and VRT on an imported Defender?
Really useful site. I want to import a Land Rover Defender 90 from the North. It was made in June 2008; does this mean it falls under the old or new tax system? I am using it for personal purposes. As far as OMSP for VRT, do you know how the revenue calculates that?
Thanks and best regards
Gerard Mooney (Dublin)
Aug 2018 Filed under: VRT
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