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What are the common problems with the Fiat Multipla?

What are the common problems with the Fiat Multipla? I'm looking to buy an MPV and can get a Fiat Multipla at a good price. What are the common issues/problems with this car that I should look out for and does Fiat still have the bad name that it used to have? Basically should I avoid?

Thanks, Philip

Philip Byrne (Dublin)

May 2013 Filed under: choosing used car

Expert answer

Hi Philip,

The thing with Italian cars is that they're like the apocryphal little sister. When they're good, they're very, very good. When they're bad, they're 'orrible.

The Multipla is actually one of the more robust Fiats, and speaking from personal experience the 1.9 JTDM diesel engine seems to take all manner of abuse and high mileage in its stride.

The best bet seems to be to avoid the 1.6 petrol model, and check to see if a diesel is down on power or displaying obvious flat-spots in the power delivery. If so, it could be an exhaust gas recirculation valve, or a more serious crankshaft wear issue. 

Other than that, check and make sure that everything electronic is working right. Fiat has come a long way on reliability since the bad old days but irritating electrical gremlins remain the brand's Achilles heel.

Let us know how you get on

Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser

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