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What do I do about a leaky replaced engine?

I got a second hand engine put into my car about six weeks ago and now find that I have a couple of major oil leaks. Where do I stand with regard to warranty?


Peter Murray (Dublin)

Jun 2013 Filed under: warranty

Expert answer

Hi Peter,

This depends on a number of factors. 1) Was the engine faulty or did the installation cause the leaks? 2) Do you have a record or receipt for the engine and the work? 3) Did the engine seller and mechanic that did the job mention a warranty?

We suspect, as the oil leaks were not there initially, the best you'll get is an offer to put the leaks right. Though if one of the leaks is a rear crankshaft oil seal you may find that the garage may be reluctant.

It really boils down to whether there was a warranty implied or agreed.

Let us know how you get on.

Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Adviser

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