What's the best car around for just €1,500?
What's the best, cheapest and most economical car today for €1,500?
Anthony Gilmartin (KILRUSH)Jul 2013 Filed under: choosing used car
Expert answer
Hi Anthony,
Right, I've had a long, hard think about this. You've not specified which type of car you're particularly looking for, so if you're after a seven-seat MPV or some kind of 4x4; sorry, I haven't even considered that.
Oddly, I've also discounted diesel as, at that price level, and with the likely age range, you're looking at older tech engines that didn't have as clear a consumption advantage over their petrol brethren.
You've said cheapest and then specified a price, which suggests to me you mean cheapest to run, which really means reliable and with low tax.
So my best recommendation to you is to track down a 2000-2001 Honda Civic 1.4. Built like a bank vault, spacious and good to drive, economical and the 1.4 capacity means you won't get taken to the cleaners every time you need a new tax disc. Plenty around and most will be within your price range.
What do you think?
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser