Has the Audi A6 lights improved?
Do facelifted Audi A6 'C5' models still have as weak headlights as the early C5 versions?
Cormac Power (Dublin)Jul 2013 Filed under: miscellaneous
Expert answer
Hi Cormac,
Interesting one this. To be frank, it was news to us. We don't have a standardised headlight test on CompleteCar.ie (perhaps we should), but a trawl of the Audi-based internet forums does indeed seem to show that many C5 owners do have doubts about the power of their lights, especially on dipped beam.
While we can't find any definitive evidence that the facelifted model is any better, it seems that there are two potential fixes to the problem. One is to replace the standard bulbs with better models - and we've seen German-made Flosser bulbs recommended. Philips also produces a line of higher-output bulbs that may be worth a look. The other issue may be the state of the headlamp lenses, and any problems there can potentially be fixed by a good clean. Cleaning kits are available from most good motor factors. Incidentally, beware an aftermarket upgrade to a HID or Xenon headlight set. If it doesn't conform exactly to the original equipment specification, then there are doubts over the legality of such units and it could potentially lead to an NCT failure.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser