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Is the 2008 Mercedes-Benz CLS a good car?

Is the 2008 Mercedes-Benz CLS 2.9 diesel a good car? Worth about €20,000? Will it hold its value?

Adam Browne (Dublin 7)

Jul 2013 Filed under: choosing used car

Expert answer

Hi Adam,

Yes on all counts I'd say. That V6 diesel engine is a proven Merc unit and in a lightweight car like the CLS, it's spectacularly under-stressed. Watch for white smoke from the exhaust though, as that could indicate a knackered turbo, but other than that as long as it has a full Merc service history (complex car, remember) then you should be fine. Keep an eye on the frameless door glass to make sure it's sealing properly against leaks too.

Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser

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