What should I be looking out for when buying a Ford Puma?
Hello, I am thinking of buying a Ford Puma 1.4. Is there anything to check for in this model?
Niall Mc Bride (Arklow)Oct 2013 Filed under: choosing used car
Expert answer
Hi Niall,
Mechanically, there's not much to worry about here. Pumas were made before the explosion in complicated electronics so there is simply less to go wrong, and the 1.4- and 1.7-litre (later replaced by a 1.6-litre) engines were all designed by Yamaha, so they're very robust indeed. Likewise gearboxes. Just make sure there's a service book full of stamps and that the oil has been regularly changed and you should be fine. The Puma's weak point is its suspension, which is prone to being knocked out of true. Look for signs of uneven tyre wear and listen carefully for knocking or clonking noises. Make sure the brakes are in good nick too as they can wear out rather easily.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser