Should I be suspicious of this Astra's low price?
I've been offered a 2009 Opel Astra saloon with 18,000km on the clock for just €7,700. Should I be suspicious or get it checked by a mechanic?
Gabriel LawlessMay 2014 Filed under: used car values
Expert answer
Hi Gabriel,
Well, it depends on two things - who's doing the offering and what kind of history comes with the car. If it has a full service history and is in good nick, and the vendor is someone you can trust, then it could be a good buy - Astras are generally robust and quite pleasant to drive too. If you have even the slightest doubts though, get an AA inspection. It's not expensive, and it could save you a bundle of cash and hassle in the long term. Any reputable vendor, even a private one, who's selling a decent car should have no objections to the AA calling round to check the car out. If they do, you know it's a bad 'un so can walk away.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser