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Can I claim VAT back on my imported Ford Galaxy?
Hi, I bought a new Ford Galaxy last August in the UK with less than 6,000km on it and paid VAT in the UK. I have also paid VAT and VRT in Ireland. How can I claim back the UK VAT as I'm VAT-registered in Ireland?
Thanks John
John O'Connor (Galway )Jan 2015 Filed under: importing
Expert answer
Hi John,
You can't claim it back. The Revenue rules are that if a vehicle is less than six months old or has less than 6,000km on the clock, you must pay the VAT on importing it here, regardless of whether or not the VAT has been paid in the UK. The only way you could claim the VAT back from the UK HMRC would be to be VAT-registered in the UK.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser