Should I consider the Peugeot 206 as a first car?
I currently have an option to buy a three-door 1.1-litre Peugeot 206 for €1,100. The car has 79,000km, from 2002, NCT until March and no tax. It looks in good condition outside from just a few pictures. Do you think this is good value? Similarly there is a five-door version with 94,000km, NCT until May from year 2000. It will be my first time buying a car and I don't have much experience with cars really so is there anything I should be particularly worried about/need to check?
John Finnerty (Dublin)Jan 2015 Filed under: choosing used car
Expert answer
Hi John,
Yeah, that's not bad actually. The 206 has long been popular as a starter car or for those looking for something small and cheap to run. Just have a good check that anything electrical is working properly and make sure that the cabin is all holding together - its fragile in there. Also make sure that the central locking and heating systems are working properly.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser