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How much VRT would I pay on a Mitsubishi L200?

Can you please clarify how much roughly the VRT on a 2002-2004 Mitsubishi L200 crew cab might be?

Debbie Phelan (Ennis)

Jan 2015 Filed under: VRT

Expert answer

Hi Debbie,

If you're importing it as a commercial vehicle (and it may well be that Revenue will ask for some proof of its future use before allowing you to do so) then it comes in under Category B, so it's a minimum of €125 VRT, or 13.3 per cent of the Open Market Selling Price, or OMSP.

How much that is can best be answered by me waving this piece of string around and asking you how long it is. I'd take a stab at around €8-900,  but honestly that's just a SWAG (Scientific Wild-Assed Guess). You won't know for sure until the car has been inspected. The wonderful certainties of the Irish vehicle taxation system...

If you're not importing it as a commercial, but as a private vehicle, then you're going to be paying more. The CO2 emissions for the 2. 5D with 114hp were 186g/km, which puts the L200 into the ninth VRT band, which means you'll pay 30 per cent VRT. That should work out at about €1,500 or so, but again, that's a total finger-in-the-air guess and I can't offer you any more than that without taking the actual, physical car to Revenue myself for the valuation.

Best of luck with it

Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser

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