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Should I be worried about a sudden jerk in my Polo?
I bought a new Volkswagen Polo GT 1.2 TSI DSG and it has just hit 800km. Recently when acclerating, as soon as the car hit fourth I eased up from the gas and the car responded with a sudden jerk. Is this normal? I tried to do it again, but it didn't happen so I am a bit worried. Is this the normal behaviour of a new car?
Thank you
Anish Sharma (Jalandhar)Feb 2015 Filed under: gearbox
Expert answer
Hi Anish,
It's very difficult to assess issues such as this without sitting in the car, but I would say that it doesn't sound like anything to worry about, certainly not if it was a once off. Try to repeat it and if you're still worried then bring the car back to the dealer and show them what's happening.
It sounds to me like you just caught out the electronics controlling the gearbox.
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Adviser@Shane_O_D