Is it illegal to display an L plate when no learner driving?!
Is displaying an L plate when learner driver not in the car against the law??
I was stopped at a check-point a few days ago. As I was displaying an L plate the Garda asked was I a learner. I said no, it was for my daughter who was not in the car. He asked again why I had an L plate up. I explained again. He said it is against the law to display an L plate if I am not a learner. Asking if he was joking, he got annoyed. I asked if that meant every time she got into or out of car I had to put up/take down L plates. He said yes.
Completely impractical but can you confirm this?
Ruth Lavelle, Monaghan
Ruth Lavelle (Monaghan)Sep 2015 Filed under: learner
Expert answer
Hi Ruth,
Right, we've scoured the road traffic act and checked with the Garda press office and according to them, "there is no such offence." So you were right and your 'friendly' local Garda was wrong. Feel free to print this page off and drop it in to your local station...
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser