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Is it worth repairing my old Honda Accord?

Worth repairing? Have an old 2000 Honda Accord four-door saloon - 1.8 petrol. It's beginning to give trouble and major oil leak under the engine this weekend. I've been quoted €500 to repair. Reasonably trouble free - 150,000 miles.

Tom Dick

Feb 2016 Filed under: reliability

Expert answer

Hi Tom,

OK, you've got a couple of choices here. You could trade it in under one of the current 'scrappage' schemes and make potentially as much as €4,500 on it, depending on what car you're trading in against. 

Or you could junk it or sell it for parts and grab another Bangernomics special. 

Or, to be honest, €500 doesn't sound that bad to keep a good car going. If you still like it, I'd say a few repairs and a bit of TLC could keep an Accord like that going for a good while yet.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor

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