Why did my car fail its NCT?
What does anti-slip mean in a rear axle of a car? it failed the NCT.
Niall Buckley (Dublin)Mar 2016 Filed under: NCT
Expert answer
Hi Niall,
I wonder if you've given us the exact description or if it has been described to you incorrectly. The only mention of 'anti-slip' in the NCT manual is with regard to the rubber pedal pads in the car. It can fail the NCT if they're missing or no longer effective. However, that has nothing to do with the rear axle, so I suspect your car failed on rear wheel side slip, which means there's a misalingment issue in your rear suspension. The limit is pretty lenient so yours must be pretty bad. I'm surprised the tester didn't say more about it.
Bring the car to a good mechanic to have it sorted. Hopefully it's just something that can be adjusted and no actual damage.
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Advisor