What do motorcyclists do with punctures?
Out of pure curiosity can you tell me what do motorcyclists do when they get a puncture?
Philip Donegan (Ballina)Jun 2016 Filed under: tyres
Expert answer
Hi Philip,
Depending on the nature of the puncture the tyre may be repaired at the roadside with a temporary fix. If it is in or near the centre of the tyre it can be plugged and then re-inflated or if it is a small hole there are various types of sealant foam that can also do the job. These are pumped into the tyre via the air valve and quickly seal the hole. Either of these measures are only designed to be temporary fixes though and enough to get you back home or to the nearest garage. Both of these types of repair kit are available to buy in most good bike shops and are small enough to be carried in a case or backpack when riding.
Punctures in the sidewall or closer to the edge of the tyre can be much harder to temporarily repair.