Will petrol particulate filters cause problems?
I read that Volkswagen intends to introduce a Gasoline Particulate Filter to petrol engines. Will this mean that low mileage, short run petrol owners like me could have the same expensive problem that low mileage diesel owners have?
Frank D (Dublin)Aug 2016 Filed under: future engines
Expert answer
Hi F D,
Short answer? We don't know yet. Theoretically, petrol engines heat up much more quickly than diesel engines (mostly because they're less thermally efficient) and therefore shorter journeys are less of an issue in that respect. It just depends on how much heat you need to generate to clean the filter and for how long. I'm sure that car makers will claim, as they did with diesel, that the filters are designed to be maintenance free, but then we've heard that before haven't we?
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor