Should we upgrade to a BMW 320d Touring?
We currently have a 2001 Volkswagen Golf Estate 1.4 petrol and are looking to upgrade. A potential option is a 2007 BMW 3 Series 320d SE Touring. Do you think this is a good option? We are happy to commit to the extra tax and insurance as we feel this will balance out with savings on fuel.
Would you agree? Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
Kay ClyneJun 2017 Filed under: choosing used car
Expert answer
Hi Kay,
Yes, you should see a considerable saving on fuel, probably in the order of 10mpg at least, depending on how and where you drive. It is worth noting, though, that you will also be looking at considerably higher maintenance and servicing costs, as the 320d is much more sophisticated and high-tech than your Golf and, without careful, regular attention from a specialist they can start giving serious trouble.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor