How much VRT on a new Hyundai Kona?
We want to buy a new Hyundai Kona, the fully electric version, in Northern Ireland and import it then to the Republic of Ireland. We would buy through the company of my boyfriend to benefit from BIK reductions. I read that we could get a maximum of €5,000 of VRT relief when registered before 31 December 2021. The VRT calculator on Revenue's homepage is unfortunately not working for electric cars. Can you give an indication on how much VRT we would roughly need to pay?
Felicitas Schmelz (Cork City)Feb 2019 Filed under: VRT
Expert answer
Hi Felicitas,
It’s a tricky one. Theoretically, the amount of VRT you’d have to pay on an imported Kona would be zero or close enough to it, as the €5,000 rebate should more or less cover the VRT payment (I say more or less because the Irish spec of the Kona is slightly different to the UK’s so there may be some optional equipment charges). The payment you will have to pay is the VAT. If a car is less than six months old, even if the VAT has already been paid in the UK, you have to pay it here, so that’s going to be 21 per cent, which will be around €4-5,000. Also, beware of the BIK rebate — that is designed strictly for company car users, so I’d check with your accountant to make sure everything is above board.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor