Who pays for extras on a leased car?
With a leased car, who pays for tax, insurance, tyres, services and so on?
Thank you
Sally O'Reilly (Cork)May 2019 Filed under: running costs
Expert answer
Hi Sally,
That’ll vary from lease to lease. Generally speaking, if it’s being leased by a company and they’re giving you use of the car as a company vehicle, they’ll pay the running costs, usually minus fuel. If it’s a case of you being given a car-buying budget as part of a job package, generally you’ll pay for all that stuff, and if you’re buying a car for yourself on a PCP finance deal (which is effectively a personal lease) you cover them too.
There are always differences and details, though, and car makers (Volvo especially) are starting to move towards a mobile-phone style system whereby you pay one monthly fee that covers everything, and change and upgrade your car at regular intervals.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor