Should I buy a new diesel Audi?
Changing my car at the end of the year. Going for an Audi. Petrol or diesel? Worried about diesel resale values in three years or so.
Shane Russell (Dublin)Mar 2020 Filed under: petrol vs. diesel
Expert answer
Hi Shane,
I’m afraid this is a bit like asking us how long a piece of string might be… Especially given the current coronavirus crisis. It’s simply impossible for us to tell quite where the car market is going to go in the next while. Broadly speaking, we are moving steadily towards an electric future, and so — yes — diesel values will be under pressure in the coming years. That said, the current crisis might push the market back a little, and it’s possible that for the next little while, people might be more keen to go with something familiar, rather than taking risks on new tech.
Given all of that, and given that you’re looking at a three-year timeline, I think you’d be OK buying a diesel, especially in a premium model like an Audi. While it’s certainly possible that values may not hold up quite as strongly as they have done, it should still be solid enough, and of course you can insulate yourself — to an extent — by buying on a PCP plan with a guaranteed minimum future value.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor