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Looking at importing a BMW Z3...


I am planning to buy a 1999 BMW Z3, 52k miles, value £3,390 (Sterling pounds), 2.0-litre automatic. How much is the VRT for this car? I could not find BMW Z3 in the VRT website, only BMW Z4. Will they consider this 1999 Z3 as a classic car?

Marlon C (Lucan)

May 2020 Filed under: importing

Expert answer

Hi Marlon,

It’s not a classic yet, I’m afraid. To qualify for ’vintage’ status (as Revenue erroneously insists on using), a car has to be at least 30 years old, so the youngest BMW Z3s won’t start to qualify until 2025. Calculating a VRT value for one is tricky, as prices and values are massively variable according to condition. I would think that a value of around €6,000 sounds about right, which could mean as much as €2,100 in VRT terms given that the 2.0i auto is in the highest band for VRT with CO2 emissions above 225g/km. That’s just a guess though — Revenue is notoriously awkward about valuing cars that are less common.

Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor

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