How to work out VRT on a 2018 BMW 320d?
Hi, I just read your article on VRT charges on imported cars from the UK. I am thinking of buying a 2018 BMW 3 Series 2.0 320d M Sport. How does the VRT work? I got one quote for €23k for VRT, and then I did another one and it was €6,700. Can you help me find out how much I'm going to pay for VRT?
Kind regards
Eric Eaton (Kiltimagh )Jul 2020 Filed under: VRT
Expert answer
Hi Eric,
The problem is that VRT, with fluctuating and uncertain second hand values, plus issues of equipment, history and condition to consider, is a constantly moving target. I would think that the €6,700 figure is much, much closer to the truth than the €23,000 one, but unfortunately, given the vagaries of the VRT system, you won’t know for certain until you get the bill.
Hopefully you've read our feature on the subject - How Much VRT is Paid in Ireland?
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor