How much VRT on a 2014 Transporter?
I would like to buy a Volkswagen Transporter in the UK. Long wheelbase, 2014, 230k miles. I would like to know the VRT I would need to pay for this in Ireland but the Revenue system does not list this very common vehicle.
Any assistance appreciated.
Aidan Raftery (Cork)Oct 2020 Filed under: VRT
Expert answer
Hi Aidan,
Well, generally speaking, vans fall into one of two categories for VRT. Most will be charged 13.3 per cent of the Irish open market selling price (OMSP), which in the case of a 2014 Transporter is likely to be in the region of €13,000. So 13.3 per cent of that is €1,279 and that should be your VRT cost, more or less.
Of course, there’s a chance that your Transporter of choice will fall into the second category, which gets charged a flat-rate of €200 if, says Revenue, “it always had less than four seats and at any time a laden mass greater than 130 per cent of the mass in service.”
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor