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What tax rate applies to an imported car?
The tax on cars registered after Jan 2021 is €420 per annum for 161-170g/km. So is this the rate that applies if I import a 2016 from the UK in 2021?
Paul McCarthy (Dundalk)Oct 2020 Filed under: importing
Expert answer
Hi Paul,
Yes, that's correct, but you need to watch out for the fact that Revenue will be 'uplifting' the CO2 figures of imports. So, if a 2016 car you're looking at now has CO2 emissions of, say, 165g/km, and it's a diesel, Revenue will uplift that to 201g/km, and that's the number that will determine your VRT and motor tax going forward.
Full details of the uplift formulas etc. can be found in our Guide to Importing Cars from the UK.
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Advisor