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I am importing a motorbike from the UK...


I want to import a motorcycle from mainland UK. I have a couple of questions about the registration documents required. My bike will be brought into Ireland inside a van. What document do I need to produce to prove the date of entry into Ireland? Does the V5c needs to be in my name? I am asking because I am buying from a dealer and not sure how long it takes for the V5c to comeback with my name or how does it work?

Cesar Scrochi (Dublin)

Dec 2020 Filed under: importing

Expert answer

Hi Cesar,

No, you don’t specifically need the V5c. And it doesn’t really matter that the bike is coming over in a van. What is important is that you have seven days to book your appointment at your nearest NCT centre, and 30 days to complete the process of VRT payment and registration.

What you will need is proof of sale (an invoice for the bike with your name on it); proof of date of entry (a ferry ticket will do); proof of your ID and address (utility bill etc); and your PPSN number.

VRT on bikes, by the way, is charged at €2 per cc up to 350cc and then €1 per cc above that level. 

Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor

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