Do I have to display N plates again?
I passed a driving test a number of years ago but allowed my two-year certificate of competency to expire and have to resit my driving test. On passing test again do I have to display N plates for two years again?
Adam F (Co Galway)Dec 2020 Filed under: learner
Expert answer
Hi Adam,
OK, this is going to be an ‘as far as we can tell’ answer because the legislation regarding N-plates is not spectacularly well-worded. However, the key word here appears to be ‘first’ as in: "In the first two years after acquiring a full driving licence a driver must display N plates on all vehicles.” So, if you’ve displayed your N-plates for the first two years, then in theory, you won’t have to display them for another two, even if you’re re-sitting your test. However, it’s the re-sit that may throw a spanner in the works here, as the NDLS and RSA may well take the view that, in official terms you’re starting from scratch. You will almost certainly have to abide by the lower drink-drive limits and lower penalty point threshold for a ban that applies to N-plate drivers, too.
Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor