VRT on a 2015 BMW 420d?
How much would VRT be for a 2015 BMW 420d M Sport?
Ahmed Aziz (Portlaoise)Dec 2024 Filed under: VRT
Expert answer
Hi Ahmed,
We can help you calculate an estimate, but bear in mind there are variables that are outside our control. The two items needed are the CO2 rating to determine the VRT band the car is in and the OMSP. The latter - standing for Open Market Selling Price - is not a fixed thing and not directly linked to how much you pay for the car. It is the price Revenue believes the car would sell for registered in Ireland and it's not always easy to guess a figure for. Also bear in mind that if the car has lots of extras, Revenue will bump up the OMSP.
Anyway, to help give an estimate, I believe the CO2 rating for that model should put the car into Band 9, at 15.25 per cent.
Taking €19,000 as the example OMSP, that would mean a VRT bill of €2,897.50.
Don't forget the NOx levy and, depending on where you're importing the car from, VAT and import duty as well.
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Advisor