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Should I buy an Alfa Brera?

Hey Paddy,

One of the lads in the office has a pal that's looking at this Alfa Brera.

What do you reckon?

Runner or not?

Gavan O'Brien (Kildare)

Nov 2010 Filed under: choosing used car

Expert answer

Hi Gavan,

That is a lot of car for very little money. There are a few things to consider here. It is a V6 model, so it is one of the lesser sold Breras. Yes, it is the best one, but it will also be pretty difficult to sell on again and 2-3 years down the line it could be pretty worthless. 

On the plus side though it has bags of character and that V6 is lovely and the Brera has been reasonably headache free.

With this car, it is entirely a heart purchase, the head doesn't come into it. Do all the relevant background checks, be surgical about how the service history is examined and have an Alfa expert run their eye over it and you could have a very nice car that makes the German clones look dull as dishwater. 

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