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Should I buy a 2006 Mazda RX-8?

Hey guys,

I have a 2006 Opel Astra GTC SXI 1.7 diesel. I have been very unlucky with it and have gotten a lot of problems so I am ultimately thinking of trading it in. I saw a nice 2006 Mazda RX 8 1.3 petrol and liked the look of it. Just wanted to ask your opinion on how reliable they are. If I have any trouble would I have to bring it to a main dealer because of the Wankel engine; are parts expensive, depreciation etc? Any help/advice would be much appreciated. Thanks. 

Alan Clanty (Limerick)

Feb 2011 Filed under: choosing used car

Expert answer

Hiya Alan,

In a word, no we wouldn't recommend a used one. While the RX-8 is a great car and was super when it came out new, it has been a total disaster in terms of reliability. It drinks oil and fuel and there is a list of problems with it. There is a fair amount of evidence that the engines on these cars aren't lasting much more than 80,000- to 100,000 kilometres and there have been problems with starting the engines too. 

We would love to recommend the RX-8 as a second-hand buy but there is a strong chance you would be heart broken and given the fact that you have had grief before then I reckon you don't want that to happen again.

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