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Why do cars remain online when they're sold?

Why do car dealers make a farce of car advertising by continuing to advertise cars that have long been sold? I sent two emails to a Ford dealer in Cork expressing interest in a car. I got no answer. I telephoned and was told that the car was well gone and they muttered something about a problem with their emails as an excuse for not replying.

This particular ad is still on serveral sites including the dealer's own site. What is the point of following up and wasting time with chasing these cars?!

Frank D (Dublin)

May 2011 Filed under: choosing used car

Expert answer

Hi Frank,

To be fair to the dealers in a lot of cases it is not the dealers fault as they will have sold the car and notified the classifieds website to let them know the car is sold and it doesn't get done. Other times, the dealers do this because it looks good for them if it appears that cars are flying out of the showroom. I agree though, it sure is annoying.

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