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What mileage does the BMW 316i SE do?


I am considering buying a 2008 BMW 316i se petrol. Any idea roughly what the mpg of this car might be (the dealer told me 49mpg)? I've trawled the net with not much luck. I do approx 13.5k miles per year, would I be better off with a diesel? Your advice is appreciated.

Thanks Gavin (Tipperary)

Gavin O Connor (Roscrea)

Oct 2011 Filed under: running costs

Expert answer

Hi Gavin,

49mpg would be pretty ambitious and far fetched in a 316i. The official figure was 38mpg for the 316i and to get that you would be doing well. About 34-35mpg would be about right. A diesel will do better mileage, but if you want a 3 Series you will pay more for it and probably not make up the difference. The only thing I would say is that the 316i is not very fast and this can become bothersome on high mileage My advice? Consider a BMW 1 Series with a decent diesel engine instead.

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