Should the logbook show that a car was Category D?
Should a Category D crashed car say something about it on the logbook?
Louise Creggy (Kildare)Oct 2011 Filed under: logbook
Expert answer
Hi Louise,
We put this question to official vehicle records experts,, and this is what they said:
"Ideally, yes it would be advantageous to have CAT D on the logbook. However, in the UK, only CAT A to C is shown on the logbook as these cars require a Vehicle Identification Check (VIC) post-repair and before being used again on the road. The fact that the vehicle passed the VIC will be shown on the V5 (UK log book). In Ireland there is no legal obligation for insurers to notify the Department of Transport (DoT) of the write off. However, Cartell has been working with the Road Safety Authority (RSA) since 2007 to bring about legislation requiring insurers to notify the DoT. Cartell also introduced the Motor Insurers Anti Fraud and Theft Register (MIAFTR) Ireland, which allows insurers to notify the DoT using a Category system which had not been available until MIAFTR came into operation. The proposed legislation may well have CAT D (the lower of the write offs) put onto the log book. Cartell wrote a report on Irish write offs in 2007 and UK write offs in 2008 for the RSA and subsequently all imported cars now have to undergo an NCTS inspection (not a full check). Furthermore, if the V5 has a CAT stamped on it then this will be transferred to the Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC) or Irish log book."
Hope that clears it up?
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Adviser