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Servicing before the NCT?

My NCT is coming up soon? Is it best to get the car serviced before the NCT or to go ahead with the test, then have identified faults repaired and return to the NCT centre? Which is most cost effective?

Hi Stephen. We would always echo the words of the manufacturers when it comes to servicing intervals. They are there for a reason so it is usually best to stick with them.

However, from personal experience - albeit with a much older car - the NCT can sometimes uncover things that you didn't know was a problem. If it isn't too long to the NCT, I personally would wait until the NCT and then get a retest if it fails because 9 times out of 10 this works out as a cheaper option rather than getting a service then having to go back to a dealer and get more work done at a later stage if the NCT uncovers anything. At least by having the NCT first you can get the car serviced and also get any faults identified by the test repaired in one go.

However, if your NCT is a long time away and your car is well overdue a service, I would get the service done first as you could end up causing your car some problems which could cost you a lot more to put right.

Stephen Duffy (Abbeyleix)

May 2010 Filed under: servicing

Expert answer

My NCT is coming up soon? Is it best to get the car serviced before the NCT or to go ahead with the test, then have identified faults repaired and return to the NCT centre? Which is most cost effective?

Hi Stephen. We would always echo the words of the manufacturers when it comes to servicing intervals. They are there for a reason so it is usually best to stick with them.

However, from personal experience - albeit with a much older car - the NCT can sometimes uncover things that you didn't know was a problem. If it isn't too long to the NCT, I personally would wait until the NCT and then get a retest if it fails because 9 times out of 10 this works out as a cheaper option rather than getting a service then having to go back to a dealer and get more work done at a later stage if the NCT uncovers anything. At least by having the NCT first you can get the car serviced and also get any faults identified by the test repaired in one go.

However, if your NCT is a long time away and your car is well overdue a service, I would get the service done first as you could end up causing your car some problems which could cost you a lot more to put right.

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