Where do I trade-in my Renault Laguna?
I've got a nine-year old Renault Laguna. I'm looking for a new Golf or equivalent. Who would give me the best trade in/scrappage deal?
Jack Martin (Dublin)Jun 2012 Filed under: used car values
Expert answer
Hi Jack,
The scrappage scheme is over sadly, though Renault is running a similar offer until the end of June. You can get another €1,500 off if you're trading in a car that's over eight years old. Even without that offer you're more likely to maximise the value of that Laguna at a Renault dealer.
Saying all that, I'm sure you know that the Laguna isn't worth a whole lot at that age so it's probably not worth going for a new Renault just because you'll get a better trade-in price for it. If you do decide to go down the new Volkswagen Golf route, check with the dealer how much they'd be willing to knock off the price of the Golf by taking the Laguna. If it's a tiny amount then consider selling the Laguna privately. It's more hassle, but you're likely to get a better price.
Hope that helps
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Adviser