How does this Alfa Romeo 147 look to you?
I am looking at buying a 2004 Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 with 110,000 kilometres on the clock. It just had a new timing belt, tensioners, water pump and variator fitted. What do you think?
Peter Hennessy (Dublin)Jul 2012 Filed under: choosing used car
Expert answer
Hi Peter,
We assume you mean this car on Carzone. It appears to be in good enough condition for the age and is very well specified. It's a good thing that the timing belt has been done, as if they snap they cause engine damage. It's worth asking the seller if this happened or it was changed voluntarily. Get the answer in writing if possible and a warranty too.
Though some Alfas have a bad reputation for reliability this doesn't affect all examples of the 147. Some are perfect. Best bet is to inspect the car thoroughly, try every switch and take it for a decent test drive.
Best of luck - and let us know how you get on.
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Adviser