What's the 2008 Kia Sorento like?
I am interested in a 2008 Kia Sorento. I have been told by a mechanic he would never buy a Kia or Hyundai as they are substandard and Japanese cars are way better. We are aware it has a big engine (which we don't need to be honest), but we can't find a car we both like for approximately €10k and this seems to be the compromise position. Have you a view on the Kia Sorento, as all my online research has made me quite positive about it, but the mechanic I was speaking to is worrying me? We are down to one car so prompt response appreciated.
Sinead Oboyle (Dublin)Oct 2012 Filed under: choosing used car
Expert answer
Hi Sinead,
First of all, take the sweeping remark by the mechanic with a pinch of salt. The latest Kias and Hyundais are great cars and so too are the later used ones. In terms of stuff you may already know about the Sorento, it's quite unrefined on the road and a bit rough and ready. Large SUVs like this can cost a little to maintain too, though the Kia isn't the worst of them.
Now in terms of reliability, the Sorento has proven to be very solid, with only tiny niggles reported. Try to get one with a decent service history as always and check its mileage and history on Cartell.ie.
Hope that puts your mind at ease.
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Adviser