
Tougher penalties for phone users

Irish motorists want harsher penalties for drivers who use the phone whilst driving according to AA survey.

Don't expect much sympathy if you pick up two penalty points and a €60 fine for using a mobile phone while driving.  AA Motor Insurance found that roughly 60% of motorists support higher fines or more points for phone use.

The survey asked over 16,000 AA customers and the results show that 58.4% wanted the number of penalty points increased, while nearly two thirds felt a higher fine was called for.  A small section of respondents wanted to go even further with 8% calling for an outright ban for those caught on the phone whilst driving.

A wide range of views were received from wanting to see prison sentences to no penalties at all.  Support for the current system was expressed by 19.5% of those asked.  Many drivers made the point that enforcing the existing rules was more important than imposing tougher penalties.

Director of AA Motor Insurance, John Farrell said, "There can hardly be a driver in Ireland who does not know that using a hand held phone while driving is illegal. It must be one of the silliest and most avoidable ways in which to get penalty points."

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Published on May 20, 2011