
Circle K to give petrol money to Jack and Jill Foundation

Circle K pledges 1c from every litre of fuel to the Jack and Jill Foundation during Cannball Ireland.

Circle K, the prominent fuel forecourt operator, has pledged that 1c from every litre of petrol and diesel sold over the weekend of 6 to 8 September will go to the Jack and Jill Foundation.

What is the Jack and Jill Foundation?

Jack and Jill is a nationwide charity that funds and provides up to 100 hours per month of in-home nursing care and respite support to families caring for children up to the age of six with severe learning disabilities associated with complex medical needs.

The date of Circle K’s fuel pledge is significant, as those are the dates for this year’s annual Cannonball Run supercar tour, which will also raise funds for Jack and Jill. The Cannonball will use Circle K stations in Gorey and Kilcullen as refuelling stops where anyone can come along, see the supercars (including models from Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, Porsche, Aston Martin, and Maserati), and donate to charity while they’re at it.

How is Circle K helping?

Circle K’s pledge says that 1c from every litre of miles and milesPlus fuel sold over the Cannonball weekend will go directly to the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation as part of the ‘When You Fill, Support Jack and Jill’ initiative.

Ciara Foxton, Managing Director at Circle K Ireland, said: ‘We are delighted to bring the ‘When You Fill, Support Jack and Jill’ initiative back to sites nationwide, after last year’s success, which generated over €105,000 in funds for the charity - the equivalent of almost 5,800 hours of nursing care for families. From September 6th-8th, 1c from every litre of miles and milesPlus fuel sold, will be donated to Jack and Jill, ensuring their inspirational team can continue to support children with life-limiting conditions nationwide. We’re also thrilled to further support the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation through our sponsorship of Cannonball Ireland, which will see some of the world’s finest supercars travelling across the country over the same weekend. Customers who refill at their local Circle K, can help raise essential funds for Jack and Jill families and if they visit one of the three Circle K fuel stops selected for Cannonball this year, they’ll also get to see some amazing supercars too.”

’So grateful for the support’

Deirdre Walsh, CEO of the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation added: ‘Deirdre Walsh, CEO of the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation said, “We are so grateful for the continued support from Circle K and their customers and want to extend a big thank you to all involved in this wonderful initiative. Jack and Jill currently supports over 400 families in communities across Ireland. Often described as ‘a gift of time’ or a ‘lifeline’, this support gives parent carers a break from their 24/7 care regime, safe in the knowledge that their child is well cared for at home, where they belong. ‘When you Fill, Support Jack and Jill’ is a fantastic way for people to help us raise funds to keep this service going.

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Published on August 30, 2024